
Similarities Between Bill Brinson And Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Decent Essays

The two texts, both Bill Bryson's a short history of nearly everything, and Stephen Chbosky's Perks of being a wallflower, explore responses emitted when beings are given emotional and intellectual stimuli. This can be seen through both Bill Bryson's use of Narration throughout his book, and through the use of Narration in Perks of being a wallflower, through Charlie, where we can see everything he experiences through both his thoughts and voice. Especially during scenes that depict Charlie writing to someone unnamed about how he feels. Although both texts explore different ideas of discovery they, both explore different themes of the idea of discovery, with a short history of nearly everything, focusing on the themes of Intellectual …show more content…

In charlie we see him learn about his emotional discovery of the past, and through the quote: “I'm both happy and sad, and still trying to figure out, how that can be.” We learn that he has trouble defining who is, and is still trying to find himself in the world. It is through Charlie’s use of narration and writing letters to the unnamed person, that we learn about him. How he’s emotionally unstable, he doesn’t trust people easily, and how he’s in love with Sam. It’s through the use of close up camera angles, lighting and acting ability that we see the character of Charlie come to life, and learn about his friends and himself through emotional discovery.

As well as having well thought out, and academic discoveries presented within his work of nonfiction. Bryson also presents the ideal, that academic and intellectual discoveries can be completely accidental and surprising, this is seen through Bryson's, writing on the discovery of cosmic background radiation. Through the quote: “Although Penzias and Wilson had not been looking for cosmic background radiation, didn’t know what it was when they found it, and hadn’t described or interpreted its character in any paper, they received the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics” This quote showcases the idea that important discoveries can be

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