
Similarities Between Confucianism And Christianity

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A Contrast of Confucianism and Christianity
Thesis: Chinese Confucianism and Roman Christianity are similar in both set key principles adopted by governments and both were created by leaders who taught by lesson yet different in that Confucianism was promoted by the government whereas political leaders in Rome strongly opposed Christianity.
Topic Sentence: Confucianism and Christianity are similar in that both set lasting principles that influenced their governments, Confucianism with central principles and an overall message interpreted many different ways, Christianity through unification of the later Roman Empire and a moral duty to take care of fellow men.
Topic A: Confucianism’s influence Traditions & Encounters: Chapter 8, page 185: “Confucius emphasized personal qualities like ren, li, and xiao because he believed that individuals who possessed those traits would gain influence in the larger society...only through enlightened leadership by morally strong individuals was there any hope for the restoration of political and social order in China” This quote demonstrates the main three principles that Confucianism was based upon are what Confucius believed would better society. These principles would create a stronger government, leading to better policies, and a stronger sense of unity in the people.
Traditions & Encounters: Chapter 8, page 185: “Because Confucius expressed his thoughts in general terms, later disciples could adapt

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