
Similarities Between Dally And Johnny In The Outsiders

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Compare and Contrast Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston’s Lives Imagine two people that have completely different personalities being together and adoring each other. In S.E Hinton’s, The Outsiders, there are two characters, Johnny and Dally who have plenty of differences in their lives, but there are also similarities that stand out about them. From examining Johnny and Dally’s family backgrounds, their personalities, and their deaths at the end of the novel, it is clear that there are many differences, but also significant similarities that shows the adoration between them. Johnny, the gang’s pet in The Outsiders, comes from an abusive family background which affected his personality and his kindness, ultimately influenced his death at a young …show more content…

When Johnny asking about his family Dally replies, “Shoot, my old man don't give a hang whether I’m in jail or dead in a car wreck or drunk in the gutter. That don't bother me none” (Hinton 107). Similarly to Johnny, Dally does not have good life in his family either. Instead of desperately wanting love from his family members, Dally does not care about his family and his father does not care either. Ponyboy is introducing Dally by saying, “Dally had spent three years on the wild side of New York and had been arrested at the age of ten. He was tougher than the rest of us- tougher, colder, meaner” (Hinton 13). To clarify, Dally had gone through tough situations that made him tough and he was not afraid of anyone. This transformed him into a person who was hardened and had lost most of his innocence. The moment Dally died, Ponyboy said surely, “He died violent and young and desperate, just like we all knew he’d die someday” (Hinton 187). To put it in another way, Dally asked for death because he could not face the truth of Johnny’s death. Different from Johnny, Dally did not die in piece, where as this death was caused by mourning over Johnny. In conclusion, Dally’s family background had a significant impact throughout his life on his hardened personality and his perspective toward

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