
Similarities Between Jekyll And Hyde

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Corey Casdorph Professor Hoff 2/25/2018 English British Literature Homework 4 1 Henry Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case explains his fascination with Hyde by exposing his obsession for the evil side that Hyde exhibited. Transforming himself into Hyde was a welcome outlet for Jekyll’s passions. Jekyll became delighted to live as Hyde as it gave him the opportunities to live recklessly and dangerously, the evil persona that he so desperately wanted to be. I believe that most people, including myself, can empathize with his attraction to this side of his character because most everyone possesses an inner evil, if you will, that is begging to come out. I believe that the “inner evil” that I mentioned can either be interpreted to the …show more content…

He is still excusing away the evil and bad thoughts he’s having as well as the evil and bad things he’s doing. His good side is constantly at battle with his bad side, this is his guilty conscious trying to overcome the bad. I believe he goes wrong when he is continually switching from Jekyll to Hyde too frequently. By frequently switching roles, this allows for him to make costly mistakes that ultimately expose who he is and what he’s done. He also exhibits greed with the potion and the ingredients for which it takes to create the potion; with the “just one more time” mentality, some of the same mentalities that one would see in an addict’s behaviors. 2 Some of the social class behaviors and divisions would include how it was stated that a civilized individual could be determined by his/her appearance. This opinion helped shape their views of the lower classes as well, and their appearance to be inferior to them. Poverty could be found almost anywhere in Victorian London; however upper class status was plenty visible. London’s east and west sides determined the social status; therefore, this could also be said for Jekyll and Hyde’s split personalities. The positive way that the divisions could affect Dr. Jekyll is that he would be shown acceptance and he could relate to others. The negative way in which the division could affect Dr. Jekyll is that the pressure to maintain a certain social status could be all-consuming and contribute to his inner

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