
Similarities Between Macbeth And Animal Farm

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The nature of politics has often been described with words such as “greed” and “dishonesty” making it a theme found in numerous literary works including George Orwell's Animal Farm and William Shakespeare's Macbeth. Animal Farm tells the story of Napoleon, a pig, his subsequent rise to power as the leader of Animal Farm and the corrupt techniques he undertakes to ensure this. Similarly, Macbeth is a play about a Scottish nobleman named Macbeth and the savage methods he uses to satisfy his obsession of becoming the King of Scotland. Animal Farm and Macbeth both demonstrate the corruptive desire found in politics and offer insight into this occurrence in relationship to real-life political leaders. Animal Farm and Macbeth are similar as the …show more content…

Before being informed of his new title, he meets three witches who predict that he will become the Thane of Cawdor and the future King of Scotland. When he is told of his new title, it fulfils half of the prophecy which makes him believe that the witches have spoken the truth about his kingship. Although he is now Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth wants more authority and starts demonstrating an intense desire to become king, which is shown by how he comes up with possible ways he can achieve it. He asks himself, “why do I yield to that suggestion” which refers to his thoughts of killing Duncan and taking his crown (1.3.138). Nevertheless, Macbeth becomes king by killing Duncan and taking his crown although he is overwhelmed with paranoia that someone is going to take his throne. He declares, “To be thus is nothing / But to be safely thus” (3.1.50-51). For him, being the king is nothing until it is confirmed that no one will ever attempt to overthrow him. Macbeth's “fears is Banquo” because the witches had prophesized that Banquo's descendants would take the crown from him (3.1.51). To settle his paranoia, he orders the murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. However, Fleance is able to escape and survives, which causes Macbeth to still be fearful. When he visits the witches again, they tell him, “Beware Macduff. / Beware the thane of Fife” (4.1.71-72). To safeguard against Macduff's children taking the throne, he orders the murderers to kill Lady Macduff and their children. Macbeth's desire for power is comparable to Napoleon's however their actions are both representations of the corruption and greed present in the exploits of real-life political

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