
Similarities Between Malcolm X And Soueif

Decent Essays

Annie Pham
English 1H, Period 3
11 December 2016

May Peace or Not to be in Freedom
Fighting for freedom has been demonstrated throughout centuries. A common saying, “Fighting is never the answer,” describes that people believe nonviolence is the best solution for demanding independence. However, several people disagree and conclude that “It’s better to fight for something than live for nothing.” These words from George S. Patton explains that dying for a good cause by fighting is worth it than living without making a difference. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Ahdaf Soueif explores the idea that freedom must be demanded through either peaceful or violent protest.
Freedom could be ordered with aggressiveness. In …show more content…

From the speech “I Have A Dream,” Martin Luther King addresses the audience to unite with dignity and serenity: “We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence...we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force” (King 49). King’s goal for his audience is to will rise up together in a nonviolent protest and demand equality with the whites. Even though some African Americans might want to seek revenge towards the whites, King encourages them to stay soulful because violence would just make matters worse. Additionally, Martin Luther King also proclaims “Negro community must not lead us to distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today….their destiny is tied with our destiny.We cannot walk alone” (King 49). In contrast of Malcolm X, King proposes that African Americans must not dislike nor hurt the whites, but work together with them in order to gain liberty for all. Without the whites’ assistance, it would be difficult for African Americans to let their voices be heard because many people had racial discrimination towards African Americans back then, and they were seen as a lower class than the whites. Therefore, Martin Luther King used his voice to encourage not only African Americans but whites to come together in harmony for the struggle of …show more content…

“I Have a Dream.” California Collections, edited by Beers, Kylene et al. California Collections. 1st ed., vol. 9, Orlando, FL, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017, pp. 48-51.
“Malcolm X: The Ballot or the Bullet.” Malcolm X: The Ballot or the Bullet, Soueif, Ahdaf, “Cairo: My City, Our Revolution.” California Collections, edited by Beers,
Kylene et al. California Collections. 1st ed., vol. 9, Orlando, FL, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017, pp.

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