
Similarities Between Martin Luther King Jr And Malcolm X

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Throughout history, there are stories about great leaders who fought for what they believed in. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are two great african american individuals who fought for equal rights but in different ways. Their beliefs come from how they grew up and where they come from. King for example is well educated and grew up in a middle class family. While, Malcolm X’s household was underprivileged and he barely had any schooling. Even though King and Malcolm X come from different backgrounds, they both fought for the same rights, but each had a different way of approaching it. King was always against violence throughout his life. He believed in the philosophy of non-violence. In his book, Stride Toward Freedom, he described his “pilgrimage to nonviolence," he stated that, “the Christian doctrine of love operating through the Gandhi-an method of nonviolence was one of the most …show more content…

First, gather information to understand the issue and create research in order to understand all sides of the argument. Second, education is important in order to inform others, including your opponents about the issue. Third is personal commitment. King states you must believe in the philosophy of nonviolence and eliminate your hidden motives. People must prepare themselves for suffering in order to gain justice for their work. Fourth is discussion and negotiation. Use humor and intelligence to confront the opposing team. Do not seek the bad in the opponent but the good. Fifth, there must be direct action. Moral actions must be taken in order to pressure the opponent to work together in order to find the best solution. The sixth principle is reconciliation. Being non-violent will create a friendly relation and understanding with the opponent. By following these six steps for social change, King sought to improve the lives of african americans through his non-violent

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