
Similarities Between Mesopotamia And India

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A complex society is an organized and well developed community that is made up of a large group of people. Complex societies encompass sophisticated characteristics that its inhabitants created, and as a result arose into independence. In general, all complex societies have a system of governance, social classes, religious beliefs, and systems of formal education.
Complex societies are spread in many regions including Mesopotamia and India. Although both of these complex societies bear some superficial similarities, the differences between
Mesopotamia and India are clear.
One obvious difference is religion. In general, Mesopotamia was a polytheistic location.
It was composed of city-states, each of which was dedicated to a different God. A …show more content…

The goal of Hinduism is to attain moksha. To have moksha means to be free from the cycle of rebirth. However, under this religion moksha can only be attained is one 's karma is stable. In conclusion, despite the many differences between both of these religions, there is also a
Other areas of difference between Mesopotamia and India were the laws or moral codes that were created. In Mesopotamia, the Babylonian king Hammurabi, created a set of law 's known as Hammurabi 's Laws. These laws established high expectations of behavior and consequences for violators. The book titled , The Global Past, lists excerpts from this set of laws, for example, if a man has stolen a watering machine from the meadow, he shall pay five shekels of silver to the owner of the watering machine (Wiesner, 12). On the other hand, India 's set of moral codes were known as Budda 's Eightfold Path. This "path" was divided into eight categories, such as, belief, resolve, speech, behavior, occupation, effort, contemplation, and meditation. Proper use of this path lead to a balanced and moderate life were the people would have wisdom, good ethical conduct, and mental discipline. Budda 's Eightfold path focused on the path to awakening while Hammurabi 's Laws gives the king authority of the people, since he made rules to govern their behavior.
In spite of these differences, both of these complex societies share several important

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