
Similarities Between My Papa's Waltz And Do Not Go Gentle Into That Goodnight

Satisfactory Essays

The feelings directed towards the fathers in the poems "My Papa's Waltz" and "Do not go gentle into that goodnight" have both similar and constrasting views. In the poem "My Papa's Waltz," the boy speaks of his father in a disappointed way by saying that he smelled alcohol on his father's breath and his ears kept being scraped by his dad's belt while his father carlessly danced with him. In this poem, the father is potrayed as not one of the greatest father figures that there is. On the other hand, in the poem "Do not go gentle into that goodnight," the son is speaking of wise men, strong men, and so forth. He states that when it's their time to face death, they don't go down without a fight. The language in the poem potrays the son's limitless

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