
Similarities Between O Brother Where Art Thou And The Odyssey

Decent Essays

Have you ever come across a movie or book that are strangely similar but in their own ways? The movie O’ Brother Where Art Thou is based on The Odyssey and has many parallels that make it connected to The Odyssey. For example, the themes, protagonists and antagonists, conflict, and lyrical elements are some of the things that make these two stories similar. In O’ Brother Where Art Thou and The Odyssey the theme of needing people in your life that you can count on is a constant. Odysseus has his crew who fought with him and were with him when they were trying to get home. Everett has Pete and Delmar, and they are all escapees from prison. They all want to find a way to get home to their families but come across some obstacles along the …show more content…

For instance, Odysseus is the leader his crew and is in charge of where they go next and what they do in order to get home. Everett was the brightest out of his group, therefore he got to make the decisions and this is the same for Odysseus because his crew looked up to him. The antagonists in these stories alike because they want to keep the protagonists from reaching their goal. For example, Poseidon in The Odyssey tries his hardest to keep Odysseus from getting home to Ithaca by putting obstacles before him and the suitors also try to tempt Penelope by making her choose a suitor to marry. In O’ Brother, Vernon T. Waldrip was engaged to Penny, Everett’s mother to his children and this can be compared to the suitors that were staying in Penelope’s generosity. Big Dan Teague can be compared to Polyphemus because he is blind in one eye and attacks Everett and …show more content…

Another Lyrical Element is the Sirens in The Odyssey who have beautiful voices that try to lure sailors to their deaths. Odysseus made his men plug their ears and tie him to the mast of the ship so he could listen to the song but not go after it. After Pete, Everett, and Delmar’s car was found by the police, they parted ways with Tommy as they escaped. Next they meet George Babyface Nelson and accompany him on his escape from the police and afterwards receive a share of the stolen loot. Then Pete, Everett, and Delmar encounter three beautiful women washing clothes in the river and are seduced by them. The singing women in O’ Brother and the Sirens in The Odyssey are both

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