
Similarities Between The Birth Mark And The Minister's Black Veil

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I believe Hawthorne's main characters in "The Birth Mark" and "The Minister's Black Veil" are perfect examples of moral ambiguity. Both of these stories show Hawthorne's dark and Gothic writing style with a tone of impending depression. Ironically, however, both of the main characters in "The Birth Mark" and "The Minister's Black Veil" try to do good, but effect the story in a negative connotation. In "The Minister's Black Veil" Hawthorne uses Mr. Hooper's veil to show his view of pride and how it is a necessary evil in the world. Though the garment was a physical feature, it showed how Mr. Hooper was trying to hide a sin of his, which in return made the congregation around him uncomfortable and paranoid as to why he was wearing it. "Yet

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