
Similarities Between The Christian Rosary And The Buddhist Tradition Of Prayer Wheels

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“A religious individual may most gloriously carry out his or her own rituals, as a part of his or her cultural identity, but the moment, that person starts to build a wall of separation between the self and the rest of humanity, coaxed by the textual commands of a scripture, the healthy religiousness turns into dangerous fundamentalism, which is a threat to both the self and the society.” (Abhijit Naskar). In the recent history of our society, the actions of religious extremists have driven people apart, and hatred has grown from a lack of ecumenism between those of different faiths. By focusing on the differences between religions, and not on the latent similarities that inherently exist between different faiths, people become blinded to how various religions are all rooted in the same philosophies. However, by focusing on the similarities of different religion, through philosophies, rituals, or teachings, we can then learn how to tear down walls, grow as people, and become cognitive of our joint humanity. With the necessity of ecumenical relations in our community, it serves humans to see the similarities between the faiths that can divide us. On such similarity exists between the rituals of the Christian Rosary and the Buddhist tradition of Prayer Wheels, both are physical guides for repetitive prayers and personal reflection and meditation. The Catholic tradition of the Rosary is a long held practice of Marian prayer which dates back millennia. The tradition of the

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