
Similarities Between The Hunger Games And The Hunger Games

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Often thought to be irrelevant are ancient texts such as Beowulf. Although written in completely different times and societies these ancient texts can closely correlate with more contemporary texts such as The Hunger Games. The way these two different types of texts, both contemporary and older epic texts, begin to show similarities is the way that epic heroes are portrayed. Often all texts, epic or new, follow the monomyth or hero's cycle. They also portray the protagonist; possessing certain heroic traits that classify them as epic heroes. The reason why people don't think the older texts are relevant is because of the way that objects, people or places are symbolised. However the differences in the symbolism are because the theme and issues of the text are suited to fit the society of the time.

One example of similar epic heroes is the contemporary text The Hunger Games and the epic tale of Beowulf. The first way that these texts show a similarity is the way Katniss and Beowulf both follow the hero cycle structure that the plot follows. An example of this is when “Call to Action” happens. This is where the protagonist is set their quest or where their journeys begin. In Beowulf this is when Hrothgar needs to find a way to stop his men being slaughtered by Grendel and he requests that Beowulf, the epic hero, kills the beast. This request is confidently taken up by the hero which highlights also his courage. In the Hunger Games the "Call to Action" is shown when Prim Everdeen (Katniss’ Sister) is randomly selected to be a tribute for District 12. Katniss intervenes, to stop this, and then volunteers as tribute to save her sister. Another example of the Hero's journey is when Katniss enters the arena of The Hunger Games. This action represents the "cross over" or "crossing the threshold".

In Beowulf crossing the threshold is the moment in the tale where he travels to the swamp with his men to fight Grendel’s Mother after defeating Grendel at the mead hall. These two situations although altered to fit the time they were written in; both represent the same stage in the narrative structure. These actions alone not only show how the two texts of Beowulf and The Hunger Games follow the same structure;

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