
Similarities Between The North And South During The Civil War

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Even though the North and South were two very distinctly different opposing forces during the Civil War, there were some things both sides had in common. The Civil War was primarily fought to abolish slavery after Abraham Lincoln was elected president, but there were core differences between the North and South that caused them to fight for or against slavery. Things like climate, social equality, and the economy, were major factors in determining whether a state was part of the Confederacy or the Union. When the Confederate states seceded they kept many traits from the Union, so there were still some similarities such as technology and political systems. Ultimately, the small amount of similarities between the two sides were overpowered by differences, and led to the North’s victory of the Civil War. The most obvious difference to address between the North and the South was their viewpoint on slavery. Industry was booming in the North, and was the core of the economy. Things were being produced …show more content…

It just so happens that the Confederate general, Robert E. Lee, and the Union general, Ulysses S. Grant, were trained at the same military academy. This meant that both the North and South had very similar training, battle strategies, and fighting tactics. However, because the North was more equipped with industry, they were able to produce more weapons and ammunition where the South was lacking in supplies (“Strengths And Weaknesses”). The North also controlled the Navy, and was able to obtain any imported goods they might need. Due to similarity in the actual military itself, soldiers also had many thing in common. Many soldiers were poor and were volunteer workers. Being that there was a larger amount of eligible soldiers in the North, the Union’s army nearly outnumbered the Confederate’s army with an estimated ratio of two Northern soldiers for every one Southern soldier

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