
Similarities Between The Prince And Machiavelli

Decent Essays

If someone were to write a novel about 2017 American politics, it would fit right in with books such as The Prince by Machiavelli (1513), We by Zamyatin (1921), and Persepolis by Satrapi (2000). These books center around the governmental ideas, views, and realities of oppressive environments, and could strike a little too close to home for the modern western reader. Written at different points and places throughout history, each book showcases the author’s view of the political and social scenes they saw around them, often uncovering parallels with contemporary society. Although written much sooner than either of the other two books, Machiavelli’s The Prince is by far the most famous. The deceitful and unscrupulous methods of ruling presented in the book have birthed the negative term ‘Machiavellian’, referring to selfish political strategies used to further one’s career. At the time of it’s writing, the Church had more influence than any single reigning power, which allowed them to ban The Prince soon after it’s publication in 1532. Despite this, The Prince became widely known and shared across the world, known today as a piece of classic literature. Although written when royalty ruled most countries, much of what Machiavelli wrote about and stands for has often chilling parallels with contemporary society. Perhaps the clearest example of this is political correctness. At the time of The Prince’s writing, there were a couple more politically correct political handbooks

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