
Similes In Sinners

Decent Essays

There are many varying views of God and his abilities, that can be integrated differently into their lifestyle. Jonathan Edwards touches on merging God into your life into his sermon, “Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God.” The sermon talks about God’s fury caused by the sinful actions of humans, and how they are doomed if they do not adjust their lives. Jonathan Edwards uses similes about God’s wrath, diction that describes the definition of a sinner, and repetition about the pits of hell to his advantage to make his readers realize they need to change their ways. Edwards’ usage of similes in his poem is mostly used to show how mighty God’s wrath and power truly is. He compares God’s wrath to “great waters that are dammed for the present; they increase more and more, and rise higher and higher, till an outlet is given; and the longer the stream is stopped, the more rapid and mighty is its course, when once it is let loose (Edwards).” The quote helps people to imagine God’s wrath in a physical sense as being held back by a dam on the verge of bursting. Similes allow Edwards to help his readers understand how angry God truly is and also God’s authority. Edwards’ simile is supposed to scare readers into becoming better Christians. To further make his point about how worthless humans are to …show more content…

Edwards’ use of “the mere pleasure of God” is to restate his point throughout the poem that everything is done under God (Edwards). Edwards use of this phrase not only restates God’s power but also show the reader that have life because of God. God could easily take their life away if they anger him and continue their sinful actions. This would terrify readers into behaving as God would like, so they do not continue to anger him. Repetition helps to escalate the text and create a bigger impact on the

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