
Simmias And Cebes's Theory Essay

Decent Essays

Cebes mentions Socrates theory of recollection which declares all learning is recollection. Simmias was not able to remember that kind of theory so he asks for elaboration. Socrates explains this by first showing that we can be notified of one thing by being made aware of another thing. For example, if someone sees a type of clothing that belongs to a loved one, they will immediately be reminded of the person that owns that type of clothing. Socrates goes on to introduce the theory of forms, making Simmias acknowledge that something such as equality exist. We are aware of this form of equality, because it occurs to us every time we run into occasions of equal objects. However, Socrates mentions that equal stones or equal sticks may appear …show more content…

His alternative explanation was that someone who really is proficient on a subject should be able to explain it to others. If they cannot explain the subjects, but can be lead to recall them to a point that they will be able to explain them; they must have acquired the knowledge in their earlier life that they failed to remember at the time of birth. Simmias and Cebes both agreed that socrates has successfully demonstrated that souls existed before birth but they continue to be skeptical that the soul still remains after death. I think the notion that a person’s soul comes into this life with knowledge as an “inborn possession” is wrong because people become knowledgeable by discovering new things, learning about it from different people, etc. Furthermore, knowledge is developed as you go on in life. For example, just because you are good at counting does not mean you are strong knowledge in math. Just because someone can draw and know what they are drawing does not mean they are born talented; because if that were true just about everyone would be born with knowledge. Obviously this is not the case because than school would not be necessary which in my opinion is crucial in getting better knowledge. In addition, just because someone can speak at birth that does not mean they can write what they are

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