
Simr Program Research Paper

Decent Essays

Please summarize the reasons that you are applying for the SIMR Program, how your participation in the program fits into your future educational and career objectives, and why you feel you are a good candidate for the program. You may also discuss your institute/area of research preferences and personal goals.
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Recess had just ended when my stomach began to hurt. Soon, the pain was unbearable, and my teachers had to drag me into the atrium so my screams would not disrupt the other students. But I insisted to my teachers that my teeth hurt. Even at three and a half years old, I had been admitted to the hospital several times. I did everything in my power to avoid returning there. Of course, my teachers realized what was going on and called my parents. My medical problems have not gone away, but I have realized that as much as I hate living with pain, I don’t know if I can live without medicine. Each time I visit the hospital, I become more interested in procedures, research, and …show more content…

But only .00052% of babies born in the Western world have a type 1 choledochal cyst. These babies suffer from pancreatitis and chronic abdominal pain, and undergo countless procedures, tests, and surgeries. But nobody hears about patients like this because of what in the medical world is called failure to thrive. These patients spend so much time in hospitals that they become disconnected from life outside the hospital, quit activities because of pain, and fall behind in schoolwork. Many become addicted to pain medications. The fact that I am able to thrive at school is in itself rare. But that I still have a drive to make a difference in the world is unheard of. I do not fail to thrive, I thrive in spite of my anatomical failures. My medical experiences give me a unique perspective that will increase the diversity of SIMR

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