
Sin And Forgiveness In Dante's Inferno

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In Dante’s Inferno, the reader is taken on an epic journey as the narrator and protagonist, Dante, recounts his experiences as he battles through the different stages of Hell. The first book in a trilogy later titled The Divine Comedy, has become iconic and timeless throughout the centuries since it was first published. This is mostly due to Dante’s expert use of literary devices, themes and symbols to explore God, immortality and sin.
This literary piece of work is rich in themes. These themes jump off the page and immerse its reader with irony and provides instances of symbolic retribution. One major theme that is easily detected is sin and forgiveness. Dante realizes that each sin has a level of punishment. Each punishment is escapable …show more content…

Unexpectedly, this theme occurs once they arrive at the gates of Hell. “Dante reveals that his fear to Virgil about making the trip to Hell, and Virgil’s response is to explain that his own intercession in Dante’s moral crisis could not have occurred without the philanthropic concern of others.” (Sewanee 2009) Upon their entrance Dante becomes aware that this torturous place has been created from “Primal Love”. “Although Dante’s Hell is a terrifying place, we learn that it is part of a just and good universe.” (Explicator 2004) Dante is introduced to several sinners who explicitly detail out their story. He realizes throughout this adventure that the sinners appear to be modest, ordinary people. One is intrigued by the conception that an ever loving God could inflict such pain upon these simple sinners. Dante is exposed to the fact that he is able to relate to these people. Although their extreme behaviors were corrupt, he understands the feelings they possess and express. His emotions appear similar to the sinners, he begins to realize all the pain that could potentially be in his future had Beatrice not come to his rescue. Virgil was summoned by Beatrice, Dante’s true love, to walk him through each layer of Hell and eventually arrive in Heaven. It is the knowledge of this that drives Dante to get through the tour of hell. Seeing each disturbing layer, drags him deeper and twists him into an unexplainable …show more content…

The broad use of figurative language and physical depictions are what help develop this poetic masterpiece. Skillfully Dante combines physical and symbolic elements that occur throughout the poem. In Canto XIV, Dante brings to life the story Virgil is telling by giving use to geographical images to greatly depict the scene. The reader can recognize that the scenes revealed here tell the story of his successive misery on earth and the Fall of Man. Intriguingly, the reader is effected by the shift of perspective when Virgil is being used by Dante to substantiate his own establishment. The reader can appreciate the use of emotions that Virgil delivers throughout this scene, these emotions create suspense and admiration. Imagery is also noticeable when Dante is passing through each realm. When he vividly describes the punishments inflicted on the sinners, imagery is shown. Pain and suffering are two key elements that can cause one to cry. The ones disloyal to their country would find themselves crying from the grief of what they did, yet their tears would be frozen by the freezing rain and icy wind that thrashed their faces. Dante makes it evident that their wrong doings filled them with grief and this feeling is unbearable for anyone. Not being able to cry forced the sinners’ grief only to

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