
Compare And Contrast Young Goodman Brown And The Minister's Black Veil

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Sin is everywhere yet nowhere at the same exact time. Sin is inevitable yet many people believe they can combat it through their faith. Without faith, sin would consume anyone in its path. Even people of strong religious beliefs will continue to sin throughout their life. As stated in Romans 3:23, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Nathanial Hawthorne’s two literary pieces "Young Goodman Brown" and "The Minister 's Black Veil" highlight the struggle of human inclination to constantly hide their own sin. The two stories are different in that Goodman Brown exposes the real (sinful) faces of his peers, but in “The Minister’s Black Veil” Hawthorne purposely hides the face of the minister and creates the idea that …show more content…

Now Goodman is thoroughly freaked out and wants to return to the village for “Faith’s” sake. Upon arriving at a ceremony, most likely a devil-worshipping cult ritual, he begins to look around and see the entire community is there. Goodman then sees the new convert is actually his wife, Faith, and begs her to resist the devil then all of a sudden appears alone in the forest once more. Hawthorne uses a more straightforward writing style upon Goodman’s reentry into the real world to symbolize the return to reality. After Goodman’s prophecy or awakening so to speak, he has a no outlook on the overwhelming sinful nature of humans. Contrastingly enough, Father Hooper perceives sin through real experiences. "The Minister 's Black Veil" begins with Hooper exiting his home and walking to church to preach the Sunday morning sermon. People cry out in astonishment, question his identity, forget to greet him, move about uncomfortably, and whisper upon seeing a black veil over his face (Hawthorne 1311-12). Hooper 's fiancée Elizabeth informs him of rumors spreading throughout the town and asks him to remove the veil, but he refuses to do so. Hooper responds, "If I cover it for secret sin, what mortal might not do the same?" (Hawthorne 1317). Edgar Allan Poe concurs with the idea of a secret sin in his criticism of Hawthorne 's work. Poe attributes the veil to a need to hide remorse for a crime related to a young woman whose funeral Hooper

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