
Sir Thomas More Research Paper

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Through Utopia, More provided the leaders of his time with keen insight to help improve his world by claiming that the leaders should not use poverty as a means to help control their people. In Utopia, Sir Thomas More wrote, “ Certainly it is wrong to think that the poverty of the people is safeguard of public space “. More meant that a leader should not use poverty as a means to control crime. Actually, when people are poor they are more likely to commit crime because they have less to lose and everything to gain. But when people are dependent on their leaders for their own existence and needs it, it helps keep the people under control of the leader. It gives the leader the power manipulate the people as he needs because the people need him …show more content…

In Utopia, Sir Thomas More wrote, “ A king who can only rule his people by taking from them the pleasures of life show that he does not know how to govern free people “. More also wrote, “ When a ruler enjoys wealth and pleasure while all about him are grieving and groaning, he acts as a jailor rather than a king”. More meant a leader who governs his people by taking their wealth away from them does not know how to govern free people. By taking their wealth away they are not free because the leader is controlling them. The leader has the power of their money to control them. A leader cannot take someone’s earnings away from them, especially their wealth, people work hard for their money and it should not be taken away by their leader just because he wants control over them. If a leader were to do that the people will be dependent on their leader for their money and things they need. If they don’t get their money when they are suppose to the people will act in an angrily matter and it will cause crimes. Definitely, More claimed in his piece that leaders should not take their people’s wealth and pleasure from them especially when they are

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