
Sisnando Davides: Military Leader Of The Reconquista

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Sisnando Davides was a Mozarab nobleman and a military leader of the Reconquista. He was a successful administrator and ambassador that was made as the principal leader of Alfonso VI's expedition against Seville and Granada in 1080. Sisnando acted as an envoy from Alfonso to Abdallah ibn Buluggin, the last Zirid king of Granada.

The Muslims regarded the Reconquista to be internal struggle of al-Andalus, which was independent from the outer Muslim world. However, after the fall of Caliphate of Cordoba, the Taifas that was formed became deficient to fight against the expansion of Christian from the north. Therefore, the Muslims in al-Andalus began to regard the Reconquista as a religious war between them and Christians as they commenced to venture Muslim forces outside their kingdom. …show more content…

It was not just a war between kingdoms, but a crusade against infidels. The Reconquista became a brutal conflict inspired to be in part of devotion to Christianity. Spain was reconquered, Muslims and Jews were forced to convert to Christianity or be expelled from Spain.

The desire for land and profit became the modern notion of Reconquest. The reconquerers, in short, were devoted to God, king, and queen; they were tough; and they were eager for wealth and glory. With the Reconquista complete after 1492, they jumped sharpely into the market for a new

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