
Sister Dorothy Stang Research Paper

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Sister Dorothy Mae Stang was an outstanding woman who changed the lives of many people and in the process, sacrificed her life. Stang was born on July 7, 1931 in Dayton, Ohio but became a naturalized Brazilian. (Dorothy Stang 1). She died on February 12, 2005 at the age of 73 in the city of Anapu, Para in Brazil (Dorothy Stang 1). She had learned that she was being called in to the life of God and decided to become a nun and professed her final vows in 1956. She began her work teach in Illinois and Arizona. Stang was later sent to Brazil to work in the Amazon rain-forest to help poor farmers build independent futures for their families (Sister Dorothy 1). In Brazil she worked with the Pastoral Land Commission, an organization of the Catholic Church that fights for the rights of rural workers and peasants, and defends land reforms in Brazil (About Sister Dorothy 1). Sister Dorothy also wanted to protect peasants from criminal gangs working for ranchers who were …show more content…

Dorothy Stang was a devoted Roman Catholic and believed heavily in doing all she can to save the rainforest. Her religious beliefs is what brought her to Brazil in the first place. After teaching in Illinois and Arizona she was sent to Brazil to help poor farmers build futures and to stop the destruction of the rain forest. Sister Dorothy comprehended that the rainforest, also known as the earth's lungs, played an important role in the transaction of gases between the biosphere and the atmosphere (About Sister Dorothy 1). She saw the rainforest and the people living there salvaged for financial gain by illegal logging, land speculators, and cattle ranchers (Dorothy Stang 1). Her anger grew as she saw the destruction of this natural resource, so important to her people and Earth’s future. She also saw political leaders allowing the destruction to continue which gave her even more motivation to do all she can to protect it (Sister Dorothy 1). Unfortunately, her efforts did not come without a

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