
Situational Leadership: Commissioner Adam Silver Impact on the NBA

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The employees are multimillionaires. The supervisors are multimillionaires and billionaires. The customer base is close to a half billion persons. Do you want to be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in such an organization? The working environment is a diversified, multicultural, multiethnic, racially charged atmosphere (Price & Wolfers, 2010, p. 1859). The organization under my microscope is the National Basketball Association (NBA). Price and Wolfers (2010, p. 1885) found that the NBA have achieved high levels of racial equality across key working relationships. Adam Silver is the current Commissioner of the NBA whose responsibilities include maintaining racial harmony among NBA’s key stakeholders.
Adam Silver’s Leadership Style
Adam Silver has a background in law and was appointed Commissioner of the NBA on February 1, 2014 upon the retirement of the 30-year veteran, Commissioner David Stern (Boudway, 2014). Stern, who was Silver’s mentor, described Silver as a person who is calm, practical and possesses a strong work ethic (Adam Silver, n.d.). Silver is an astute negotiator who played an instrumental role in solving the players’ lockout dispute in 2011 (Adam Silver, n.d.). He demonstrated humility of character and a magnanimous spirit when he apologized to Magic Johnson based on unfair comments made by the embattled Clippers team owner, Donald Sterling (Adam Silver apologizes to Magic Johnson, n.d.). In the realm of power and influence, Businessweek has rated

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