
Skepticism Argument Analysis

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Now with this example, I am not stating that if something is not visibly shown it does not exist. No, I am merely saying that if I am able to show another person something in plain sight, it must be real. In case my first example wasn’t clear, allow me to follow it with another example. If a Person D had come up Person E and said that “I have candy in my pocket, if you come to my car you can have it” when Person E asks Person D to reach into their pocket and they don’t have candy, of course, Person E will not come with Person D into their car, because the candy has not existed. Then Person E can conclude that the candy that Person D had said was real, was not real and does not exist. This example shows that, although candy can exist, it did …show more content…

Skepticism is the opinion that everything can be doubted, and there is no such thing as certain knowledge. Skepticism is the view that believes there is no way to prove anything; we cannot prove that items, objects, maybe even our bodies exist. Skeptic philosophers hold the idea that we cannot understand the differences between dreaming and reality, and therefore, the things we see in our visions we believe to be true and can actually be something we have created in our minds. However, skeptics don’t go through the question on why do many people see or view the same thing. For example, If I see a pen, and others around me see a pen. Then does that pen not exist? Many around me would say that the pen does exist because not just one person sees it but many around us do. Many skeptics criticize G.E Moore example of his two hands being proof of the external world because it is sensory input, it involves using one fact to prove another fact to be true. However, if the majority believes it is true, then why isn’t it true? Because a minority believes it is …show more content…

The evidence that Moore provides in his argument is a common sense approach, he does understand that skeptic community/ philosophers would assume that he is dreaming and that is why he believes what he is seeing, is what he Is seeing. But Moore also explains that if he is giving us proof, in front of our eyes, then why do we assume that proof is not real? Because we could be dreaming? Because the entire time we are alive we are dreaming? In my opinion, skeptics only have the ability to question everything they see, but if I want to comment on the skeptics opinions about whether or not we are dreaming when we see something read the following. If the entire time we are dreaming, and our reality is in this dreaming world, then wouldn’t this mean that the dreaming reality we are in is real and what happens in it is real. If the majority believes it and the majority sees it be real, then wouldn’t that make the dreaming reality real? To me, if the majority believes it is to be true, it does not matter if we are dreaming the situation to be true, because if all can see it be true, then it is true. To simplify this explanation a bit more; if we are dreaming it does not matter because to the majority this dream is a reality, thus making it

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