Slab-on-ground flooring is a more practical floor system for houses all year round. My house has slabs on ground. This floor has direct contact with the ground underneath and therefore the thermal mass is greater. It is practical because the temperature underneath rises creating a natural form of insulation.
In the summer, the earth can resist heat from penetrating the tiles/slabs. It also provides a cool surface for occupants to radiate heat to (or conduct to, with bare feet). This increases comfort and there for the thermal performance is better.
The following roof section shows what the roof construction consists of. It shows a timber frame with a layer of insulation of 0.6. The insulation stops heat from existing or
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The window type in the old plan were slide windows. The design improvement plan for windows were louvres. This helps block out the sun in the early morning and late sunsets in the summer and keep the house at a comfortable temperature.
Skylight windows are also an alternative source of natural light which can affect the thermal temperature and help reduce so it is at a level of comfort. Skylights are useful as it saves energy as no artificial lighting is needed and are eco-friendly.
Insulation is one of the most important house materials that regulates thermal temperatures. A well-insulated and well-designed home can provide comfort for the whole year. The original house plan contains no insulation is the walls or floors, however it contains a minimum of 0.1 in the roof and ceiling. This had to be altered and insulation was added in between the 2 brick layers in the brick cavity wall. The floor didn’t need any as its slabs and tiles. For the insulation in between the walls, I increased it to 150 mm so it could increase the thermal performance and retain the heat more. It is used as it slows convectional heat flow. The following diagram shows the thickness of the insulation in a brick cavity wal
The carpet flooring was changed to tiles as the slabs keep them cool and release at night at kept cool as it retains heat. It had to be changed as carpet has low thermal mass and isn’t very suitable for
In order to understand the word ‘thermal’ within a building, then SHGC which is solar heat gain coefficients had to be known to known the property of thermal insulation and conductivity in a whole manner. Solar heat gain coefficient is widely use in the United State in designing building. SHGC may refer to the transmittance of solar energy of windows or even walls, every object can be evaluate by using solar heat gain coefficient method by knowing the properties of each material. If a material have high solar heat gain coefficient, then the material is a good absorbent of solar heat. For material that is black in colour, inevitably it absorb heat faster because of the colour doesn’t reflect the wavelength that comes directly from the source of light. So, low-e components of a building that comes with low solar heat gain coefficient will reflect and keep heat source that came from sun away from the house and that will probably makes a house cooler. Solar heat gain coefficient usually dealt with windows that possess a low-e property. Low-e may regard to the emissivity of one’s material. Nowadays window mostly is transparent, and that makes it vulnerable for sunlight to penetrate easily into a house without any reflection. We have to be notice that if a window is place facing the unsuitable direction such as west or east, it will have an adverse effect towards the thermal comfort of a house especially terraced house in Malaysia that cant undergoes renovation due to the
CH₂ heating and cooling system is designed to have a temperature of 21-23°C. It works with a combination of ceiling panels and chilled beams which can be found above the windows. These beams create cool air at around 18°C. Heat is absorbed in the concrete ceilings and through the natural ventilation of the building will be removed. As approximately 70% of the ceiling is curved in shape, there is expected to be a 14% decrease in cooling energy usage by the natural ventilation process. Figure 1 show’s how the cooling of the offices is expected to work.
Dan and his contractor decided upon adding insulation, sealing up ducts and gaps in his walls, and replacing his 20-year old furnace with an energy efficient one. Dan felt the results immediately – he was finally comfortable in his home.
There was an improvement in standards of residential homes, so that houses would be fixed to meet the changing needs of the people. To demonstrate, sleeping porches were now a component added when designing out a blueprint of a home,
* Putting up curtains in each room with backers will help to keep the heat out. By using Styrofoam between the blinds and curtains will also help to keep the heat out and reduce energy bill
The heavy-duty framing of these doors and windows, along with impact resistant material sandwiched between two layers of laminated glass, which makes them energy efficient. If you install standard windows in your home, hot air from outside can enter your home during summers. This can increase the run time of your air-conditioner which increases your energy bills. During winters, normal windows allow hot air to escape from the room, which increases the runtime of your heater. This can have major impact on your energy bills. Impact resistant doors and windows will prevent this from happening. During winters, the hot air stays inside your home and your heater does not work overtime to maintain the temperature inside the room. During summers, hot air does not enter your home, which reduces the load on the air-conditioner thereby reducing your electric bills.
In truth, a concrete wall house is substantially warmer than stick-built construction. Advanced technology ICF (Insulated Concrete Form) homes are actually much warmer than traditional stud wall construction, as well as being far more energy efficient. Here are the facts. Thermographic tests done by the National Association of Home Builders Research Center showed that a solid ICF wall (a wall without windows or other penetrations) has fewer cold spots than a wood framed wall. This is because the thermal envelope - the shield between outside and inside temperatures - is much more difficult to seal in conventional stud wall construction, so that cold easily travels through thermal bridging to create uncomfortable cold spots inside the house. ICF walls, by contrast, are tightly sealed so that thermal bridging is reduced, which makes for even temperatures and fewer cold spots and drafts. Moreover, houses with ICF wall construction result in a 50% decrease in the capacity of HVAC equipment as compared to wood framed wall construction (which of course implies greatly reduced heating and cooling costs).
This enhancement of good housing is proved when the narrator said, “‘I’ve been thinking about our conference room,’ ‘he said, and we all looked around at it. The room isn’t big, it isn’t small: say ten by twelve. But it’s cool, well-lighted, and most imposingly furnished. The air recirculators are cleverly hidden behind animated friezes’; the carpeting is thick and soft; and every piece of furniture is constructed from top to bottom of authentic, expertized, genuine tree-grown wood”( Pohl and Kornbluth 4). This quote shows how this house is built; it is a modern house. The list of the things incorporated in this kind of building shows that there is some changes when compared to early in the 1920s. For example, in 1953 there was the air recirculators are cleverly hidden behind animated friezes and the carpeting is thick and soft. However, in our time, there is much improvement of technology. For example, today’s houses have stairs, elevators, automatic air conditioning, and bathroom flash automatically, just to mention a
When designing your new home, choosing the right flooring in Knowsley is an important decision to make. You will need suitable flooring for all the rooms in your house – from the bathroom, kitchen, living rooms and bedrooms. With the huge range of flooring options, this will be a carefully thought out decision. Perhaps vinyl flooring would be best suited to rooms that are likely to get food and drink spilt on them, or, as a properly installed vinyl floor is almost impervious to water penetration, it is perfect for the bathroom or laundry room. Vinyl flooring can be used for any room in the house, with its mimicry of the appearance of a range of natural materials like slate, wood, marble and stone, it has the look of the natural material while
This is probably the most desired flooring solution. It has a luxurious appearance, it is very durable and it adds warmth and comfort to any home. They are also easy to clean, and they can be refined numerous times to look as good as new. On the downside, hardwood floors are difficult to install and they can be very expensive. Moreover, they are affected by temperature and humidity,
Plastic flooring gives durability and strength unmatched by most any other floors option. Damp-proof, waterproof
The inefficient homes in the UK have catastrophic effects on global warming. The UK needs to become more energy efficient as at the moment it emits a large amount of greenhouse gases which risk dangerous climate change. The retrofitting of the brick three storey terraced town house is necessary in order to comply with the legislations set out by parliament in the UK Climate Change Act (2008) or if the house falls under the private rented sector it must comply with the Energy Act 2011.
There are currently many options on the market. If you want to add new floors and look for durable and aesthetic materials, wood and tile are the two most popular options. While these two
Thermal comfort is everything to do with heat, if we are too hot or too cold in the office or shop we will not be comfortable. First of all you have to take into consideration the activity level of the workers in the building to decide what temperate is best suited for them to work at their optimum level. In the case of the office workers who are sitting for most of the day at their desks, their activity level is low and they aren’t generating much heat. In the case of the shop, workers are on their feet all day, their activity level is high and they are generating quite a significant amount of heat.
Through a comprehensive consideration of these problems, this domain research demands “out of box” innovative and cutting-edge design ideas that search out new values of flooring innovations. The research also seeks the best solution to efficiently maximize and reuse limited living space so as to improve urban living conditions in China.