
Slavery In Cuba Research Paper

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In history, slavery had become a part of all cultures: including Brazil, Cuba, and the United States. Brazil and Cuba were among the first colonizations to practice the act of enslaving others to do one’s bidding. Slavery was a fundamental foundation upon which these three nation’s economy was built on. After tension, rebellions, and at times war, laws were passed to abolish the act of enslaving others.
In the early sixteenth century, the Portuguese began to colonize in Brazil as part of an overseas expansion plan that began along the western coast of Africa. Brazilian settlements had begun to manage the cultivation, manufacture, and marketing of sugarcane and sugar. Native American slaves was initially the labor foundation of which …show more content…

Once the Spanish had gained an abundance of wealth from the conquest of the Aztecs and the Inca empires, they turned their land into major settlements and trade. Agricultural development increased to produce sugar. Cuba was open to unrestricted free trade, including but not limited to the escalation of Cuban slave trade. When Britain ended slavery in their West Indies colonies in the 1830s, their production in sugar declined rapidly. This resulted to Cuba’s escalation in the manufacture of sugar and slave use. The African slave trade was fundamental to the sugar economy and the fear of rebellion from slaves kept any separatist movements from breaking out until the 1860s. It wasn’t until the Ten Year’s War that there was any development in the abolition of slavery. Cubra Libre, the republic in arms, had declared that the slavery system be abolished in the areas that they controlled. To be free meant that they had to fight in the rebellion as well. Spain then passed a law in 1871 that gave freedom to children born to slave mothers in order to avoid a declination of population. There was also abolitionist pressure from outer powers after the end of the United States Civil War in 1865. Their emancipation and pressure from British abolitionists had forcefully made it impossible for Cuba to …show more content…

African slaves were imported from the British Caribbean colonies to Chesapeake to work on tobacco farms. After the 13 colonies declared independence from Britain, they drafted their constitution in 1787. The word “slavery” was not written. The act of enslaving someone was not legally sanctioned and it violated the purpose of human liberty that the constitution stood for. The right to vote was also not permitted for indigenous people, slaves, and women. After the territorial expansion from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. became the leading force of industrial demand for raw materials such as cotton. Unlike the North, southern agriculture had built its economy on the foundation of enslaved labor. Slave trade to the U.S. had ended in 1808, and the northern states had abolished slavery in the 1780s, however the southern states had continued to rely on slave labor. When the Civil War broke out, it was not on the issue of abolishing slavery as a nation, but whether or not the new states that join should be slave free or not. Forbidding slavery in the western states would have halted any economic growth for the southern states who depended on slavery to thrive. It would also shift the balance in political power, arguing that slave ownership was a right protected by the constitution. When Abraham Lincoln became president in 1861, the Confederate States of America separated themselves

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