
Slavery: Progress And Decline

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Progress and Decline Howard Zinn began his writing by describing how quickly the production of cotton increased between 1790 to 1860. As the cotton progressively increased across America, so did slavery. The life of a slave was very difficult. Families were separated as they were sold to different slave owners, and the work they did was long, hot and hard. Slaves began to attempt to escape and revolt. Slavery was a major social decline for America at this time. There was much resistance to slavery, which included stealing property, slowness at work, killing overseers and masters, burning down plantation buildings and the most common, running away. By 1850, nearly one thousand slaves escaped to North Canada and Mexico in a year. The slaves …show more content…

The Americans tried their hardest to get control of slavery. The Fugitive Slave Act was passed in 1850, which made it easy for slave owners to recapture their ex-slaves. The Northern Blacks organized resistance by denouncing President Fillmore and Senator Daniel Webster. Blacks continued to escape by using the runaway railroad. A huge decline for this time was how much pressure the whites put on the blacks, as they had to constantly struggle with racism and insist for independence. War was another social decline during this time. Many men attempted to petition an end to war, but it was a long process before to came to an end. The Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, was a military move presented by a historical agency, Abraham Lincoln, to give the South four months to stop rebelling, or the United States would emancipate their slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, declared slaves free in the areas still fighting against the Union. This was a positive change that urged many to put an …show more content…

The main culture of American at this time was English. Men from all states argued on slavery as it began to spread rapidly throughout the states. The price of slaves began to increase as the Virginia slave-farm wasn’t producing them fast enough, which led to a decline for America, slave smuggling. By 1860, there was already 262,000 free blacks who began to compete for jobs against poor whites. The North and South had multiple conflicting views on slavery, high vs low tariffs, and taxation. Religion was a huge cultural aspect that played an effect in the Civil War as it was filled with moral righteousness. A progressive social factor was that people of all races began to blend together. Lincoln and Douglas went through multiple debates trying to prove to America that they were better than one another. When anti-slavery was first introduced in the North, they opposed because they had much hatred for African Americans, which normally led to mass violence. Adams won the election and the notion was

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