
Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) Trafficking Essay

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The effects of small arms and light weapons (SALW) trafficking has come under scrutiny in the past decade due to the amount of weapons U.S. SALW manufacturers are hemorrhaging overseas primarily because traceability, culpability, and transparency of information are difficult to come by. Small arms are for personal use and include, “pistols, rifles,... assault rifles and light machine guns.” Light weapons include “heavy machine guns,... portable antiaircraft guns, portable antitank guns,... and explosive devices” (Gildea). Each year this illegal trade occurs, the United States is losing billions of dollars, moving weapons into the hands of terrorist organizations or gangs, and these weapons are often used against our military personnel. …show more content…

In 2005, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a report which stated that “a Columbian national negotiated and attempted to purchase assault rifles and machine guns for illegal export to a U.S.-designated terrorist organization in Columbia.” This trade is quite common in countries that have relaxed gun trafficking and shipping regulations (Craign, Gildea). Quite often, SALW will be sent to a country with relaxed weapons/shipping regulations and then be forwarded to another party. The Small Arms Survey shows that 80-90% of SALW “are sold or transfered illegally.” There is a scholarly consensus that an estimated $7-10 billion of SALW illegal transactions occur each year (Gildea, Jojarth). That is the number recorded by agencies and does not include the “dark figure of crime” that isn’t documented. While the State Department issues licenses for shipments, they have no involvement in investigation or prosecution. The agencies with such authority are Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Commerce, Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), and Department of Homeland

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