
Small Business Deductions Essay

Satisfactory Essays

If you own a small business, filing a business tax return can seem overwhelming. Regardless if a business chooses an entity selection as an LLC or S Corp, both can benefit from small business deductions as these can help reduce tax debt. If tax season is too time consuming or confusing, you might want to hire a tax accountant. These professionals can help lessen your chances of a tax audit, and are familiar with the IRS rules as they apply to businesses.

Salaries to Independent Contractors

If you hire contract labor, you can deduct this if you paid more than $600. You'll need to issue a 1099-MISC to each independent contractor that you paid $600 or more to in January. This deduction can help to lower your tax debt by quite a bit, depending …show more content…

If you're just starting your company and work out of your home, you can still deduct the space that is used specifically for business purposes. You'll want to take measurements of your home office space that is dedicated to business, if you're unsure of the square footage.

Deducting Utility Costs

Your electricity that is used for your business or your office space in your home is also tax deductible. Mobile phones for business use can also be deductible. If you use a landline in your home office, you will need a separate line that is solely for business in order to deduct it on your tax return.

Business Meals

If you meet with clients or customers and have lunches or dinners, keep your receipts because these are tax deductible. It is not 100 percent deductible, but business meals can add up quickly, so taking advantage of this IRS deduction can help you on your taxes at the end of the year.

Office Supplies and Furniture

Regardless if you rent office space or run your business from you home office, chances are, you purchase supplies throughout the year. Office supplies along with furniture is tax deductible, so make sure you keep receipts or credit card statements that show the amount you spent.


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