
Smoking And Conception Are Not Agreeable

Satisfactory Essays

Smoking And Conception Are Not Agreeable
By Ted Becher
Jul 11, 2012
Smoking and being pregnant are not suitable and any woman in this condition should stop smoking right away. What's the safest way to do this though? Anyone who smokes understands how nerve-racking stopping this habit can be and high stress levels are also not great for the mom or unborn baby. Some stop smoking products should not be used during pregnancy because they contain nicotine or other ingredients which are not beneficial for the fetus.

Medications designed to reduce the urge to smoke must never be utilized during conception unless the obstetrician prescribes the medicine and explains prospective risks involved. Most drugs are not safe for the unborn child during the pregnancy and should be completely averted. Instead the physician will usually recommend stop smoking support services and provide ideas on methods to achieve this goal while minimizing stress. These guidelines may include behaviour modification and choosing a nutritious snack for the baby instead of a smoke. …show more content…

In some cases this activity can cause fetal loss or birth flaws. Create a list of reasons why the smoking habit needs to quit. When the urge to smoke hits look over the checklist. Throw away all tobacco and smoking accessories. This would make it more difficult to give into a craving and light

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