
Essay on Smoking

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In the year 1973, 11 years prior to my birth, my grandfather made one of the most important decisions in his life. In the cold wind of March, my grandfather stood outside of Coon Rapids Bayard High School and smoked his last cigarette. That fall my mom and her sister Eileen had made a deal with my Grandpa that if their team made it to the Iowa Girl’s State Basketball Tournament he would give up his addiction to nicotine. This addiction to nicotine had haunted him since his days as an American soldier in World War II. My mom’s team, Elk Horn-Kimbalton, was up by 19 points at halftime, and it was quite evident they would reach the destination they had worked so hard for. Next to the “victory bell” my Grandpa decided to make …show more content…

Although Brimelow’s article contains information that may have scientific value, the consequences of smoking significantly out weigh the values. This has been proven through extensive research by our most prominent medical scientists.
According to Brimelow, smoking can help alertness, dexterity and cognitive capacity, which can be useful when one is driving (Brimelow 141).

Nicotine has been proven to help these factors, but there are many alternative routes to achieving alertness and dexterity. What ever happened to playing your music at a higher volume? Rolling down the window to catch a cool breeze? Or by possibly buying a favorite soda pop at a local convenient store? All of these alternatives have positive benefits. As to the contrary, smoking leaves an individual with the possibility of health dangers. All of these sources have the ability to help maintain alertness and dexterity, including nicotine. It just comes down to the point of how someone wants to put themselves in position to reach these states of feelings. The bottom line is that there are several resources that can reach alertness and dexterity. The use of nicotine is just one of many possibilities. Smoking may be dangerous to your health, but so is driving automobiles (Brimelow 141). In this statement Brimelow says the fact straight up; Smoking may be dangerous to your

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