
Snapping Beans Poem Analysis

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The poem “Snapping Beans” by Lisa Parker speaks to all college students who leave home to go to school. This poem speaks about the insecurities kids face when they start to interact with the world. As children we learn first from our parents and close family and friends. We learn how to model our behavior from learning form those that surround us. Sometimes when we emulate our close relatives we contract the good along with the bad. So as the granddaughter comes back home to her grandmother who is the pillar of support that gives her warmth and comfort. She Is yearning to speak all about her travels and people she has met. Yet as she goes of to college for the first time interacting with vastly different …show more content…

I will start with the world, “heartsick” because this word relates to the feelings that the granddaughter felt for the yarning of the comforts of her home. The sorrows drowned out by the panels of the quilt her grandmother made her. The comfort of her home away form home for those nights she felt sad and wanted to be home. The granddaughter could easily drown her fears and tears into this quilt and be reminded of the strength and the bond she has with her Grandmother. “Heartsick” was an powerful word to use to understand how the granddaughter must have felt on those miserable days. But, to tie it in to the quilt like she did was like she quilted the words together to show how and what it meant to be alone and struggled and how the granddaughter coped with her emotions. I believe that the word loose, this word was placed all the way at the end of the poem. I feel like this word speaks loudly throughout this poem significance. This poem is about the granddaughter being blown “loose” by the natural forces that cary us. In this case she is blowing “loose” of her home and her centric ideas. To explore and be “loose” in the world to experience it through her eyes to develop her own point of view by simply enacting her own beliefs and adopting others. I felt compelled to react to the word, “slant”. “Slant”, has a great meaning in this poem for it is used in the beginning of the poem. Slant can mean a

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