
Snow White Gender Stereotypes

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For as long as history stretches back, the role of women in society has been portrayed as nurturers of men as well as birth givers. Society has taught girls that they should aspire to marriage and hope to be mothers while men are enabled to live their life as they choose. This never-ending cycle of ingrained inequality is hard to break due to its early entrance in the lives of young children. Children grow up watching fairy tales such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and the Little Mermaid. As harmless and mundane as these fairy tales may seem, they tend to carry some of the most problematic and misogynous messages of them all. The Classic Snow White and The Seven Dwarves as portrayed by Disney carries misogynous views that shackle even women of today. The story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is a prime …show more content…

Despite the story highlighting Snow White’s journey to overcome her adversities, it shows her ultimate goal as being marriage. As if Snow White had not been through enough she must once again deal with the wickedness of her stepmother and is sent into a deep coma where she can only be woken by her true love. The fact that the only way she can be saved is if a man comes to her rescue only works to confirm the ingrained gender bias found in society. The resolution to Snow White’s story is that she finds her prince charming and lives happily ever after. The plot of Snow White teaches young girls that they too should aspire for marriage. The fairytale praises the patriarchy and tells girls that the proudest moment of their life is their wedding day. The story praises her dependence on a man rather than applauding her when she was able to make it on her own and survive in the face of adversity. The uneven distribution of power throughout the story does nothing but reinforce the idea that marriage is the most uplifting experience a woman can go

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