
Essay On Soccer In America

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Since the first World Cup in 1930, the United States Men’s National Team has never reached the finals. The closest they came is that first year where they reached the semifinals. Since then the USMNT has floundered in mediocrity. This is a result of generations of mishandling the development of soccer in America, and now the problem exists in the very foundations of the American soccer system.
The talent in America is underdeveloped, due to lack of high-level coaching and shabby academy system. Everything from soccer in college to the salary cap in the MLS is harming our chance of becoming a nation great at soccer. We have only produced really two players(Tim Howard and Clint Dempsey) capable of playing well in better leagues around the world. …show more content…

We have many athletes that would excel at soccer, but since they don’t see a path to success in soccer, they choose to play something else and be average or even below average, never seeing their full potential. This pattern of losing perennially makes it so their is no national pride associated with our USMNT. Soccer is a sport that stretches continents and brings people together, but we as a nation have separated ourselves from that alienating ourselves and becoming isolationists in this manner.
Where we failed is when we implemented soccer in America, we tried to Americanize the sport. We put a salary cap in the MLS, we had soccer as a college sport, and we had a draft for players. No other countries in the world have these things. This leads to the stagnated development of younger players in the US.
This is why the US has never won a single World Cup. Every 4 years we’re this underdog team that has the most diminutive glimmer of hope to win the it all. We are not even in a dark horse, that goes to countries like Netherlands, Belgium, and Italy; who don’t have all these idiotic things implemented in their soccer systems. Because of this sustained losing, there is not much appealing prospect to go into soccer, not to mention many players are overwhelming underpaid, even if they’re not that

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