
Soccer : The Most Dangerous Sport In The World

Decent Essays

Soccer is a sport played by 250 million people in 200 countries making it the most popular sport in the world. Soccer is a sport that has two teams trying to score on the opponent's goal with eleven players on the field at once.Soccer is played on a grassy field known as a pitch.In order to win your team has to score the most points. To score a goal you have to kick the ball in the goal. Even though it is enjoyed by many people it is getting more and more dangerous. We need to do something about the dangerous sport to make it safer.

Soccer is a dangerous sport because the players only have shin guards to protect themselves. Soccer has 118,682 injuries per year making it the third most dangerous sport in the world! That shows how dangerous soccer really is 118,682 injuries is a lot. More people are heading the soccer ball and slide tackling which is another big reason why we are getting so many injuries. Think about it a guy cleating you in the back, or heading a sky high kick to save a goal that sounds like a recipe to many injuries. Also the lack of protection does not help with preventing injuries. Shin guards are not enough to protect you from all of these injuries. So we need to start putting a bigger effort in preventing soccer injuries.

Soccer is more dangerous than football because you only have shin guards, while football has loads of protection. According to the many websites soccer has a bigger injury risk than football because of the lack of protection. Even though football is a contact sport u still have more protection lowering the injury risk. Slide tackling in soccer is more dangerous than getting tackled by a safety. Also according to many websites Soccer’s concussion rate is also higher than football’s concussion rate. Even though football players pretty much headbut each other those helmets protect them, while soccer players have nothing when they head the ball. Also just the little injuries if you fall in soccer it will hurt more than if you fall in football. So football is more safe than soccer because of the abundance of protection.

Heading the ball causes concussions because of the huge impact on the head when you try to head the ball. Some

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