
Essay On Concussions In Sports

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Playing sports can cause injuries at any moment of time. Soccer is known as a contact sport from headers to player-player contact. Any type of contact while playing soccer the risk for injuries depend on how hard the compact is. Injuries from playing soccer that are common are concussions, they are a major factor that can cause brain-trauma. Soccer isn’t the only sport with the risk of concussions, any sport with any physical contact has a risk of concussions, or any other injuries. Concussions have been a large factor to brain-trauma throughout the years in many sports throughout history. Throughout the speech I will be talking about the history of concussions, secondly symptoms and causes, and lastly how to prevent concussions Injuries can happen anywhere, but concussions are mostly caused by playing sports and from other dangerous activities. Injuries can happen anywhere, but concussions are mostly caused by playing sports and from other dangerous activities. Concussions are an injury that causes brain damage that can last for a long period of time. Author Mark Halstead explains in his article Concussion that “Concussions are a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain, induced by biomechanical forces.” A concussion can be caused from impact on the heads or any part of the body that causes head trauma. Thomas Budinger states in his article called “An Overview of Concussion History and Needed Research” published on April 11 2016, that long-term

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