
Social Advancement Versus Affection, Loyalty, And Conscience

Better Essays

Jarana Dalien
9 September 2015
AP English Language
Dr. Lewis/2
Social Advancement versus Affection, Loyalty, and Conscience. In our world’s history, class in the social hierarchy is a leading factor. People who belong to the upper class society tend to get benefits and uttermost respect from others. People who are lower in class tend to get close to no benefits and have to work hard to gain the respect of others or of their fellow citizens. In Charles Dickens Great Expectations, the main character Pip realizes this and longs to become a part of the upper class society to receive its perks. This bildungsroman of Pip’s life shows how social advancement is not more important than affection, loyalty, and self conscience through the use of details, symbols and motifs. Pip’s early life is detailed to show that it is not an ideal one. With both his parents deceased, he is brought up by the hand of his sister Mrs. Joe, and her husband Joe the blacksmith. While visiting the cemetery one day, Pip meets Abel Magwitch, an escaped prisoner who hides in the marshes nearby. He is a “fearful man, all in gray, with a great iron on his leg. A man with no hat, and broken shoes, and with an old rag tied around his head.” (Dickens 2) In addition to his unruly looks, he “limped, and shivered, and glared, and growled” (Dickens 2) which added on to his menacing aura. He threatens and demands Pip to get him a file and “wittles.” (Dickens 5) Fearful and obedient, Pip does so. Stealing these items

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