
Social And Social Causes And Consequences Of Social Media

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Social media is used on a daily basis to keep people connected from all over the world. Even though many people feel like they’re connected when they use too much social media, others feel like they’re socially isolated. Brian Primack is the director of the Center for Research on Media, Technology, and Health at the University of Pittsburgh. Him and his colleagues surveyed 1,787 adults in America ranging from ages 19 to 32 and asked them about their usage of 11 social media platforms outside of work. They also asked the participants questions such as how often they felt left out. The results of the survey revealed that the users who spent the most time on social media- more than two hours a day- had twice the odds of perceived social isolation than those who said they spent a half hour per day or less on those sites. Users who visited social media platforms most frequently- 58 or more times per week- had more than three times the odds of perceived social isolation than those who visited fewer than nine times per week. The study also showed that out of all the social media platforms, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram were the ones mostly associated with social isolation (Hobson). Brian Primack described his research as, “This is an important issue to study because mental health problems and social isolation are at epidemic levels among young adults. We are inherently social creatures, but modern life tends to compartmentalize us instead of bringing us together. While it may

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