
How Did The Age Of Exploration Cause Social Changes In The Atlantic World

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The time period of 1492 to 1750 was an era of conquest and innovation. Arounnd this time was when there was more interactions between the Eastern and Western hemispheres of the world. These interactions had major impacts on the world as a whole at the time, both good and bad. During this time in the Atlantic world, European dominance and the demand for God, gold, and glory remained constant, while there were significant social changes in the Native American population and the attitude that native had towards the Europeans. During this time period, Columbus was exploring the Atlantic, however, many things stayed constant socially due to European greed. One continuity was European dominance. This was largely in part because of their technology …show more content…

An example of this desire would be how Columbus's initial thought upon meeting the natives was how they would be servant and were to find their gold. During the time period 1492 to 1750, the Age of Exploration was occuring causing many things to change socially due to the increased interaction between the two hemispheres. One changed that occured during this time was the decreasing Native American population. The reason for this change was largely due to exposure to western diseases that the natives had not grown used to, and also due to slaughtering and enslavement by the Europeans. An example of this is when the Arawak Indians were enslaved by the Spaniyards, who would work them to death and even kill them if they did not do what was asked. Another change was the attitude that the Native Americans had towards the Europeans. Initially, they were welcoming and even believed the Europeans were gods, but after a series of unpleasant encounters, this opinion changed. An example of this would be the backlash from Native Americans who would attack Europeans who attempted to colonize on their land. This time period was an age of discovery that led to conquest and increased connections between

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