
Social Class In Les Mis�rables And The Kite Runner

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In Les Misérables, social class was the main way you either rich or poor and whether or not you had power, the other way you were rich or poor was how you treated others, if you were good or bad. In The Kite Runner, you were either rich or poor and had power or not, by social class, but the main way was the qualities you had towards people. In Les Misérables and The Kite Runner, both books show the many ways you could be rich and poor. I will show you how being rich or poor and having power affects the way you act and how you are treated. Some are poor or rich because of their social class, race, or the religion they were born into, social constrictions also played a vital role in what type of person you became. Jean Valjean lived with very little money and he had to take care of his sister and her kids. Society had treated him badly and in return, he became a person poor in good qualities and actions. When Monsieur Madeleine gave him a chance, Jean had changed his ways to become a better person and even a new person. Jean became successful and he started giving his money to people who are in need because he knows how it felt to be treated badly. Jean seen his abilities and power over people, he did not abuse this power. Instead, Jean used his power to help people. Jean did have a close call with his darker ways, but that is when he met Cosette. Cosette made him remain a good person.”To remain in paradise and there become a demon! To re-enter into hell and

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