
Social Determinants Of Health Essay

Decent Essays

1.0 Introduction
Beside the genetic and life style that are individual determinants of health, there are many other factors -known as social determinants of health- which are varies even for the people who are living in the same society. They are defined as “social, cultural, environmental, and political factors that can affects the health of individuals” (Rumbold & Dickson-Swift, 2012, p. 40). This assignment will discuss the influence of one of the social determents of health, accessing to health services on health of a specific target group; refugees and migrant population in Australia. The Refugee Convention 1951 defines refugees as ‘‘persons outside their country of origin who are unable or unwilling to return because of a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social, or political opinion’’. Australia receives about 12,000 refugees each year. This population faced many difficulties in accessing to health services such as cultural and …show more content…

First, they have high physical health need as a result of conditions such as poverty and abuse that may existed in their origin country or the difficulties they face during their journey from their home country. They are at risk of ill-health and need special health care when they reach their destination country and through resettlement. On the other hand, as they may be carry contagious disease they should be screened and quarantined to guarantee the health of host population (Lawrence & Kearns, 2005; Grove & Zwi, 2006). Moreover, it has proved by many studies that mental health problems are their main health concern. Most of them experienced violence, war, and torture in their home country before migration. Before reaching to the host country they were struggling to survive and they experience high level of stress and anxiety during resettlement. (Lawrence & Kearns,

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