
Social Impact On The Middle Class

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A major problem that has affected many Americans has been going on for decades and is still an issue today. The unequal distribution of wealth has impacted middle class and poor families and Americans all over, but has not affected the rich as much. There have been multiple setbacks that have impacted the middle class and lower, including significant ones such as the Great Depression and the Great Recession. Numerous factors go into the economy and there has not been a clear solution to help raise the middle class and lower up in the economy. While these classes are struggling, the rich get richer and are not impacted as much. The wage gaps have been growing even wider, which also has a significant impact on the lower economic classes because their wages are not going up like the upper classes are. Although the economy and stock market is growing, it still does not impact the middle class as much. The government has been trying to find ways to stimulate this and make the middle classes grow, but the ways that they go about it have not worked. The thought of using a progressive tax to tax the rich more so that more money goes to the lower classes sounds like it is a possibility, but that is not the case, as there needs to be a focus on certain ways to make more jobs while boosting the lower classes up in the economy. If Pro-poor policies are implemented with Pro-growth, it will stimulate economic growth as more jobs will be created and the lower economic classes will rise and

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