
Social Inequality In Kansas City Essay

Decent Essays

Social inequality is a broad term that has a lot of aspects that determine the definition. “Social inequality refers to the ways in which socially-defined categories of persons are differentially positioned with regard to access to a variety of social goods” (Walker). Some of the first factors to take into consideration when talking about social inequality refer to characteristics such as age, gender, social rank, and ethnicity. Based on somebody’s characteristics can determine their access to social goods such as: education, income, and housing.
In a city like Kansas city there are a lot of examples of social inequality. Areas in central Kansas City are pretty segregated, because of the segregation there is inequality. A black child living on the East side of Troost and a white child on the West side of Troost will probably have different educational experiences. The difference of education is based on the amount of tax money the school receives.
A white child, living in a higher income based neighborhood will have more money invested in their school. The school being provided with more money means they have better quality learning tools and get to …show more content…

Poverty is an issue in Kansas City because of social inequality. “Unemployment is higher for people of color in urban communities” (An Equity Profile of the Kansas City Region). The blacks tend to have a difficult time finding a decent job in Kansas City, because they are unskilled for the job. People of color also do not work as hard as whites to try and find a job because they know they do not have the right education or they know they will not get the job because they are colored. The whites and blacks also have a difference in income. “Income inequality is a growing issue” (An Equity Profile of the Kansas City Region). A white man and a black can have the exact same job, but because the white man went to college he will earn more money than the

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