
Social Media And Anorexia Essay

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Media gives girls an ideal body type and this causes eating disorders. Media often shows girls the perfect body type which leads to them dieting, the first step for people who have anorexia (Graves,2000) making the anorexia rate go up. Media has influenced many girls to go on a diet after comparing themselves to others. Media gives out the message if you want to be happy, popular, and successful you need to be slim (Bingham,2009). This has made girls become attracted to the idea of being thin. They then either start working out or going on a diet. More than half of teenage girls are, or think they should be on a diet. Dieting is very serious because it gets more and more restrictive for anorexic patients (Silverman,2005). Many sports can also influence you to go on a diet or lose weight to perform better. Teenage girls really need friends going throughout middle school and high school because the high risk population for anorexia is females between the ages 12 and 18 (Romeo,1984). A 15 year old anorexic patient was asked to sum up her experience in one word and decided to use the word “isolation” because she felt so alone and felt that no one was there for her, just there to judge her (McKnight & Boughton,2010). Social media is one to blame for this because many times girls feel they are left out because they are not as popular as the other …show more content…

Anorexia takes an average five to six years from diagnosis to fully recover, and up to 30 percent of anorexia patients never recover (Morris & Twaddle,2007). Girls with anorexia may eventually lose 50 percent of their original body weight (Romeo,1984). Americans need to be more aware of the damage social media, magazines, T.V. ads, and the sports culture can do to teenage girls so they can help the anorexia rate go down by bringing awareness to the subject and what causes

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