
Social Norms Within Our Society

Decent Essays

Social norms are behaviors that are expected within our society. When we see these norms out in public we might not acknowledge them because we’re expected to know how to act in different places or situations. When these norms are violated people may be confused of the situation and can become confused, annoyed, or mad. Social norms are a part of our everyday lives since before we were born there were norms laid out for us already, from the way we’re supposed to behave, dress, and even talk. Norms have high value in our society “they are the standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, good or bad beautiful or ugly”. There’re what we expect in our society from our behavior at school, in public, or school. Each place has a certain norm we as a society should know when and how to follow. As a guest at someone’s house, whether it’s at a families, friends, or strangers the norm has always been the same. We have to show respect to the owners and their property, be polite, and show good manners while there. So for my own personal norm violation I decided to break the guest at someone’s house norm. This was taken place at one of my mother’s close friends house who had invited us over for dinner an afternoon, I had been thinking for a while on what norm to break and how. None of my family knew what I had plan to do that afternoon, so it was going to surprise them also. As a Mexican family my parents raised my siblings and I to always show respect towards

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