
Social Problems And The Social Problem

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Photo Essay Our world has many social problems that we try to solve or reduce in many different ways. In order to solve them, we must first look for them. Tara Hardinge is my Sociology professor. During her lecture, she stated that “Social problem it is a social condition that a part of society view as dangerous or harmful to members of society and there is a need to cure or remedy it” (Hardinge 2015). Linda Mooney, David Knox, and Caroline Schacht are Sociology professors at East Carolina University and are authors of the textbook Understanding Social Problems. Social problems have objective and subjective lements to them. Mooney, Knox, and Schacht state that "the objective element of a social problem refers to the existence of a social condition" (2). Mooney, Knox and Schacht also state that "the subjective element of a social problem refers to the belief that a particular social condition is harmful to society or to a segment and that it should and can be changed" (3). Sociological imagination is a term developed by American Sociologist, C. Wright Mills. Mooney, Knox, and Schacht state that "Sociological imagination refers to the ability to see the connections between our personal lives and the social world in which we live in" (. Mooney, Knox, and Schacht state that "Sociologists use sociological imagination to distinguish between “private troubles” and “public issues” and to see connections between the events and conditions of our lives and the social and historical

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