
Social Processing Theory

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Complex traumatic experiences cause damage in seven basic domains in children and adolescents. These are attachment, biology; affect regulation, dissociation, behavioral control, cognition and self-concept (Cook et. al, 2005). Attachment could have been a significant domain in understanding underlying factors of Mister’s behavioral problems. Since children learn how to regulate their emotions and behaviors on the basis of their caregiver’s consistent and predictable behaviors (van der Kolk, 2007). This mechanism is called as the internal working model (Bowlby, 1980 as cited in van der Kolk 2007) and is associated with early patterns of attachment. However, even in this most adverse situation, Mister functionality was high in many ways. So if …show more content…

According to this theory, in the social interactions, adolescents go through a serious of processes including clarifying goals, developing strategies, encoding and interpreting social clues. According to Laible, Murphy and Augustine (2014) failure (such as encoding negative cues in social information) leads adolescent to behave more aggressively. Essentially, Mister demonstrates biases in social processing and encodes negative clues. His aggression toward the teacher or having suspicion about the police officer and Alice illustrate his failure in this process. He misinterprets some social clues, so that acts aggressively. Dykas and Cassidy point out that internal working model of attachment plays an important role in social information processing. Maternal mental health problems and dramatic life changing might have negatively impacted on his developing brain areas in this developmental stage. Consequently, according to Cook et. al. (2005) interaction between impaired attachment and neurobiological factors cause the problem with behavioral control and emotional regulation in children and adolescents which are also true for …show more content…

Children and adolescents with complex trauma history may function well in certain areas while exhibiting some problems in other areas Cook et al. (2005). In this sense, Mister has several noteworthy strengths, which promote his functionality in certain areas, whereas he displays aggressive behavioral pattern at times. In the literature, the source of resilience is categorized into three main domains, which are individual, biological and environmental-systemic factors (Herman, et al., 2011). Similarly, Masten (as cited in Feeny & Zoellner, 2014) identified five basic adaptation domains for resilience, which are attachment relationships; intelligence and information processing; motivation to adapt and opportunities for agencies; self-regulation; religious-cultural systems and positive school and environment. In terms of these factors, individual factors especially come into prominence for Mister. Intelligence, positive personal traits, self-efficacy, self-esteem, adaptability, active coping skills are significant individual factors for him. On the other hand, Herman at al. (2001) indicated that these individual factors are associated with early positive life experiences. For example, mother drug use from pregnancy to adolescent period negatively impact on developing neurobiological systems. Similarly reachable and sensitive caregiver in childhood fosters

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