
Social Reaction Theory And Feminist Theory Of Crimes

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Social Reaction Theory and Feminist Theory of Crimes are the subject theories I am going to review, examine, and explain. I will be discussing the evolution of social reaction and labeling theory, which is mainly concerned with how individuals’ personal identities are highly influenced by the way that society has a tendency to classify them as offenders. I will also be reviewing the various forms of feminist theories, which began as reactions to the lack of reasonable theorizing about why females commit crime and why the tend to be treated far more contradictorily by the criminal justice system. Here, I will explain these various theories with more attention on how they thoroughly transformed the way that the crime and law were viewed. Both theories had become popular in the 1960’s and the 1970’s due to the society looking for theories that fixed the blame for criminal offending on government authorities. These theories also both share a common theme, by accentuating the use of the criminal justice system to target or label certain types of groups such as lower class, minorities, and women, as criminals while protecting the ones with power such as white males.
Theoretical Background: Social reaction theory is also referred to as labeling theory, which is mainly classified by how personal identities are influenced by the way authority categorizes the offenders. The labeling results in individuals authenticating their place as criminals by developing the seriousness of

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