
Dog Socialization Essay

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As seen in figure 1, it shows there is a balance of socialization occurring at the time of the picture being taken and indicates play behaviour and nothing negative happening. Moreover, canid specializations have permitted the development of a pair bond and male provisioning of young (Kleiman and Eisenberg, 1973). This is based on the fact that long-term affiliations between a pair and matured offspring create an effective group structure between the dogs (Kleiman and Eisenberg, 1973). In addition to this, in terms of socialization overall when a social group is composed of several members, some form of hierarchy is needed to maintain order within the group (Cuteness, 2017). Fluidity in a social system for dogs comes down to there being no …show more content…

In a wild situation, feral/wild dogs and wolves lived in a full-fledged pack, ranging of numbers between 8 and 15 most of them consisting of related adult males, related adult females which are unrelated to the males and their offspring/cubs (Dodman, 2015). Domestic dogs do well in group-living situations and are equitably flexible to the arrangement s and environmental influences (Dodman, …show more content…

There is a domesticated ‘alpha’ myth about dogs but contrary to long-lasting belief domesticated dogs do not have an alpha figure that maintains order through violently applied dominance unlike their common ancestors of the wolf (Cuteness, 2017.) Therefore, the term of ‘subordinance hierarchy’ is more accurate to their social structure style of dogs avoiding conflicts and confrontations by using social body language signs once said by Ian Dunbar (Cuteness, 2017). What's more, urban stray dogs have also been seen to create a hierarchy in order to create spacing and social organisation as different aspects of the etho-ecology of their population in Valencia were investigated in 1987

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